
I’m so glad

you are here!

You are seen and heard,


valued and respected,

loved and appreciated.

How Ren can help!

Personal Coaching

Just me and YOU!

Use the skills and abilities of an expert to keep you focussed and accountable while you take your parenting to the next level.
Let's do this together!

My Book

Parents Take Heart shows you:

How to parent with authority without being authoritarian. How to discipline without punishment. How to connect and not coerce. How to parent with mind, heart, and soul.
View the book!


At YOUR own pace, in YOUR own place!

YOU are your family's CEO and every CEO needs training, skills, and strategies for effective management.
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Take it online!

The Mindful & Wholehearted Parenting Academy is the only online school for parents that offers an exceptional
8 week online parenting program with personal mentoring from Ren.


The Mindful and Wholehearted Parenting Academy was created with YOU in mind–a parent in the digital 21st century.


Most parents are extremely busy, time-poor, overwhelmed, and confused about the best and most effective way to parent your children. You may feel stuck because you’ve tried everything and nothing is working to get your kids to listen and cooperate, or to stop fighting.


You are not alone. And no parent should go it alone to find workable, effective solutions that bring harmony in the home, and peace in heart and mind.

Save Your Sanity!

A whole month of Sanity Savers! Jam-packed with extremely helpful tips and strategies. Find out everything an effective parent needs to be calm and confident. 

Each day’s write-up gives you invaluable guidance for how to stay calm and sane when all around you is in chaos.

  • Downloadable calendar
  • Daily inspirational reminders
  • Actionable life-changing tips

Get instant FREE access to this incredible downloadable calendar now!
30 simple ways (and more) to SAVE YOUR SANITY!

Parents Take Heart

A book that knows everything about what you are going through and more, even things you hadn’t realised and this book just hits the nail on the head. Not only did I discover such incredible tools to have such incredible relationships with the kids and teens in my life but I had a hell of a lot of a-ha moments that made me realise the stuff that I was still carrying around from when and how I was parented that wasn’t doing me any favours at all.

Reading "Parents Take Heart" had a calming effect on me and reminded me to take the long view and not be so hard on myself. I really enjoyed Ren's nurturing approach and her wise suggestions that are best for both parent and child. I especially enjoyed the "Take Inspired Action" bullet lists at the end of each chapter, which served not only as great summaries of each chapter but really helped drive home the important points to think about and consider weaving into your daily life.

This well thought out carefully written book comes as close as any book can to being an instruction manual for motherhood. As a psychologist who worked with young children for many years I recognise familiar research and recommendations that every mom needs to know. As a mom with two girls I found the end of chapter “Action Tips” to be a great quick and easy “cheatsheet” to chapter contents. The generational overview of parent rearing was very telling and can help a parent avoid cultural traps for their kids, also allowing parents to customise a model to follow when raising their kids.

As a parent of 6 kids, I felt like this book was written just for me. It helped me understand how to have a better mindset and understanding of the big picture but it also provided actionable takeaways that I’ve already noticed have helped me react better to my kids. If only I had discovered this book 15 years ago!​


I’m Ren. It’s my passion, purpose, and privilege to help you grow into the person and parent you are meant to be. 

I am here to help you navigate the ever-changing parenting landscape.

I’m here to help you discover that genuine loving relationships are the heart and soul of parenting.

I’m here to help you raise your parenting to a whole new level.

I’m here to help you answer the call to be with your kids in a way that empowers them, as well as you.


 is for a kind and peaceful world,
a world without wars and misuse of power,
a world where everyone relates with kindness, love, and respectful communication.


To inspire, enlighten and educate parents. To help parents empower themselves and their children with love, kindness, compassion and respectful communication.
To contribute to the current parenting paradigm shift for a better world by leading the way with mindful and wholehearted parenting practices.

You matter
Your kids matter
Your relationships matter